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Spectrum MIX (Original)
$10.50 $9.45
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HexSHIELD (Original)
$22.50 $20.25
Grow (Original)
New Life Spectrum GROW is specially designed to help fry, juvenile and young adult fish reach their maximum potential.GROW combines the Spectrum Nutrition Formula with additional Omega-3 and marine proteins...

SKU: 687916441402
New Life Spectrum (Original)
New Life Spectrum GROW is specially designed to help fry, juvenile and young adult fish reach their maximum potential.GROW combines the Spectrum Nutrition Formula with additional Omega-3 and marine proteins like Squid and While Antarctic Krill. Available as a small pellet suitable for juvenile and small, but growing, fish. Also available as a 200 to 300 micron fry starter powder which is large enough to see and eat, but small enough for new fry to consume. Works great and is a must have for breeders!
And while supplies last, enjoy 10% off of the original line!